Of the following, which mechanisms are important i the death of erythrocytes (pron: eh-rith-reh-sites) in human blood? Is it a) phagocytosis (pron: fag-eh-seh-toe-sis) b) hemolysis c) mechanical damage d) all of the above Answer : ANSWER: D -- all of the above...
The vesicles formed via the process known as phagocytosis (pron: fag-eh-seh-toe-sis) are called: a) lysosomes (pron: lye-sah-somes: somes rhymes with homes) b) Golgi apparatus c) food vacuoles d) mitochondria (pron: my-toe-chon-dria) Answer : ANSWER: C -- FOOD VACUOLES...
The condition in which there is a DECREASE in the number of white blood cells in humans is known as: a) leukocytosis (pron: lew-kO-sigh-toe-sis) b) leukopenia (pron: lew-kO-pea-nee-ah) c) leukemia (pron: lew-kee-me-ah) d) leukohyperia (pron: lew-kO-high-per-e-ah) Answer : ANSWER: B -- leukopenia...
The intake of solid food by infloding of cell membrane is called (A) Exocytosis (B) Pinocytosis (C) Phagocytosis (D) Both B and C Answer : (C) Phagocytosis...
As mitosis (pron: mie-TOE-sis) begins, the structure in the nucleus that disappears is the: a) spindle b) nucleolus (pron: new-klee-O-lus) c) chromatid (pron: KROME-a-tid) d) centromere (pron: SEN-tro-meer) Answer : ANSWER: B -- NUCLEOLUS...
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