A codon consists of three nucleotides. There are fou possible nucleotides, each of which has an equal probability of being in any one of the three spots. How many possible codons exist? Answer : ANSWER: 64...
Gluconeogenesis (pron: glue-ko-nee-o-gen-e-sis) occur in which organ? Answer : ANSWER: LIVER...
Bile has what function in digestion? a) emulsify lipids b) digest proteins c) gluconeogenesis (pron: glue-ko-nee-o-gen-e-sis) d) digest carbohydrates Answer : ANSWER: A -- EMULSIFY LIPIDS...
The order of insects which includes beetles is known as: a) Coleoptera (pron: kO-lee-op-teh-rah) b) Orthoptera (pron: or-tho-op-teh-rah) c) Hymenoptera (pron: high-meh-nop-teh-rah) d) Diptera (pron: dip-teh-rah) Answer : ANSWER: A -- Coleoptera...
The condition in which there is a DECREASE in the number of white blood cells in humans is known as: a) leukocytosis (pron: lew-kO-sigh-toe-sis) b) leukopenia (pron: lew-kO-pea-nee-ah) c) leukemia (pron: lew-kee-me-ah) d) leukohyperia (pron: lew-kO-high-per-e-ah) Answer : ANSWER: B -- leukopenia...
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