Of the following, which mechanisms are important i the death of erythrocytes (pron: eh-rith-reh-sites) in human blood? Is it a) phagocytosis (pron: fag-eh-seh-toe-sis) b) hemolysis c) mechanical damage d) all of the above Answer : ANSWER: D -- all of the above...
From which grandparent or grandparents did you inherit your mitochondria (pron: my-toe-chon-dria)? Is it your: a) mother's parents b) paternal grandfather c) grand mothers d) maternal grandmother Answer : ANSWER: D -- maternal grandmother...
Invagination by a cell membrane forming a vesicle around a solid particle is a: a) lysosome b) phagocytosis (pron: fag-o-sigh-toe-sis) c) pinocytosis (pron: pin-o-sigh-toe-sis) d) peroxisomes (pron: pay-rak-se-som) Answer : ANSWER: B -- PHAGOCYTOSIS...
The chromosomes of a eukaryotic cell are located i the: a) mitochondria (pron: my-toe-kon-dria) b) nucleus c) ribosome d) endoplasma Answer : ANSWER: B -- NUCLEUS...
In a cell, aerobic respiration occurs mainly in the: a) ribosomes (pron: RIBE-a-somes) b) mitochondria (pron: mite-o-KON-dree-a) c) Golgi apparatus (pron: GALL-jee) d) chloroplasts (pron: KLOR-o-plasts) Answer : ANSWER: B -- MITOCHONDRIA...
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