Teminism is a) a central dogma reverse b) a central dogma of molecular biology c) a circular flow of hereditary material d) an effect of cytoplasm on functioning of DNA Answer : a) a central dogma reverse...
In studies of the human body, which of the following terms is used to describe the hereditary condition associated with an excessively high level of uric acid in the blood? a) gout b) cystitis c) uric ptosis d) none of these Answer : ANSWER: A -- GOUT ...
Name THREE types of muscle tissue found in the human BIOL-91; Short Answer: If an individual has two dissimilar alleles for a trait, with regard to that trait he is said to be: Answer : ANSWER: HETEROZYGOUS...
The age of trees is determined by its : (1) girth (2) height (3) growth rings (4) general appearance Answer : growth rings...
Which one of the following four secretions, is different from the remaining three in regard to its mode of transport from the source gland to the site of action? (1) Saliva (2) Sweat (3) Bile (4) Epinephrine Answer : Bile...
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