What is the major visible constituent of the exhaust plume from a natural gas-fired power plant? w) carbon dioxide x) carbon monoxide y) smoke z) water Answer : ANSWER: Z -- WATER ...
Liquid fuels can be used to generate electricity in a variety of ways. Which of the following technologies converts liquid fuel directly to electricity without a combustion step? w) turbine x) battery y) fuel cell z) Stirling engine Answer : ANSWER: Y -- FUEL CELL ...
An important safety feature required at U.S. nuclear power plants that was not present at the Chernobyl Power Plant in the Soviet Union was the: w) reactor x) cooling water y) control rods z) containment building Answer : ANSWER: Z -- CONTAINMENT BUILDING...
Spent fuel from a nuclear power plant cools down and loses most of its radioactivity through decay. In the first year, spent fuel loses about what percentage of its radioactivity? w) 10 percent x) 50 percent y) 80 percent z) 100 percent Answer : ANSWER: Y -- 80 PERCENT...
In the United States, coal is the energy source that produces the highest percentage of our electricity. Second is: w) hydropower x) oil y) nuclear energy z) solar energy Answer : ANSWER: Y -- NUCLEAR ENERGY...
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