You use a hydrometer to check the condition of the electrolyte in your car battery. It is actually measuring what property of the fluid? w) charge x) density y) temperature z) surface tension Answer : ANSWER: X -- DENSITY...
One of the potential health effects of exposure to high levels of noise is called tinnitus (pron: ti - NI - tes), which means: w) a permanent loss of hearing. x) a persistent ringing ... ) a temporary loss of hearing, especially of upper frequencies. z) abdominal discomfort from low frequency noise. Answer : ANSWER: X -- A PERSISTENT RINGING OR HISSING IN THE EARS AFTER EXPOSURE....
To reverse the direction of rotation of a three-phase AC induction motor, do one of the following: w) reverse any two of the three-phase connections x) change the frequency of the applied AC power y) operate the motor below the stall torque at very high slip z) none of the above Answer : ANSWER: W -- REVERSE ANY TWO OF THE THREE-PHASE CONNECTIONS ...
Most of the nuclear power plants operating in the United States are: w) pressurized water reactors x) boiling water reactors y) high-temperature gas-cooled reactors z) liquid-metal fast breeder reactors Answer : ANSWER: W -- PRESSURIZED WATER REACTORS ...
Which of the following vacuum pumps operates by using a very cold surface to trap the gases on the cold surface? Is it a: w) sublimation pump x) turbo pump y) cryopump z) diffusion pump. Answer : ANSWER: Y -- CRYOPUMP...
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