As of December, 1990, which of the following countries generated the greatest percentage of its electricity by nuclear power? w) England x) Japan y) United States z) France Answer : ANSWER: Z -- FRANCE...
In a typical power plant used to generate electricity in the U.S., the percentage of energy in the fuel that is converted to electricity is about: w) 99 percent x) 50 percent y) 35 percent z) 10 percent Answer : ANSWER: Y -- 35 PERCENT ...
An important safety feature required at U.S. nuclear power plants that was not present at the Chernobyl Power Plant in the Soviet Union was the: w) reactor x) cooling water y) control rods z) containment building Answer : ANSWER: Z -- CONTAINMENT BUILDING...
The U.S. population receives the largest dose of ionizing radiation from: w) natural sources. x) fallout from nuclear weapons testing. y) nuclear medicine. z) nuclear power plants. Answer : ANSWER: W -- NATURAL SOURCES....
About what percent of the electricity used in the United States is currently being produced by nuclear power plants? w) 5 percent x) 10 percent y) 20 percent z) 30 percent Answer : ANSWER: Y -- 20 PERCENT ...
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