As of December, 1990, which of the following countries generated the greatest percentage of its electricity by nuclear power? w) England x) Japan y) United States z) France Answer : ANSWER: Z -- FRANCE...
Most of the nuclear power plants operating in the United States are: w) pressurized water reactors x) boiling water reactors y) high-temperature gas-cooled reactors z) liquid-metal fast breeder reactors Answer : ANSWER: W -- PRESSURIZED WATER REACTORS ...
The principle behind a breeder reactor is: w) U-235 undergoes fission. x) U-238 is converted to Pu-239, which undergoes fission. y) Deuterium undergoes fission. z) Cobalt-60 undergoes fission. Answer : ANSWER: X -- U-238 IS CONVERTED TO Pu-239, WHICH UNDERGOES FISSION. ...
Dante is the name of an eight-legged robot designed to repel into the crater of Erebus. This volcano is located in w) Italy x) the Hawaiian chain y) Antarctica z) Japan Answer : ANSWER: Y -- ANTARCTICA ...
Approximately what percentage of the electricity produced in the United States is consumed by residential appliances? w) 20% x) 33% y) 50% z) 66% Answer : ANSWER: X -- 33% ...
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