What radioactive element is routinely used in treating hyperthyroidism, and in reducing thyroid activity? w) Iron-59 x) Gold-198 y) Cobalt-60 z) Iodine-131 Answer : ANSWER: Z -- IODINE-131...
The principle behind a breeder reactor is: w) U-235 undergoes fission. x) U-238 is converted to Pu-239, which undergoes fission. y) Deuterium undergoes fission. z) Cobalt-60 undergoes fission. Answer : ANSWER: X -- U-238 IS CONVERTED TO Pu-239, WHICH UNDERGOES FISSION. ...
This natural fiber obtained from the stems of a plant of the nettle family has found popularity in modern fibers with a high wet strength, absorbent but dries quickly, it can be spun or woven, has a high rot ... a source of heat or power? w) Plutonium-238 x) Strontium-90 y) Cesium-137 z) Uranium-235 Answer : ANSWER: W -- PLUTONIUM-238...
TCDD (2,3,6,7-tetrachlorodibenzo(p)dioxin) is a toxic synthetic chemical. The most consistent adverse effect observed in exposed humans is: w) liver cancer x) birth defects y) disfiguring skin eruption z) an exaggerated sense of well-being Answer : ANSWER: Y -- DISFIGURING SKIN ERUPTION (CHLORACNE) ...
In a breeder reactor, new fuel is formed as non-fuel uranium-238 absorbs a neutron and ultimately becomes which of the following fissionable atoms: w) uranium-235 x) plutonium-239 y) uranium-239 z) neptunium-239 Answer : ANSWER: X -- PLUTONIUM-239...
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