Members of the order Apodes, these elongated slender fishes are without pelvic fins and in some species lack pectoral or median GENR-92; Short Answer: What is a shark's skeleton made of? Answer : ANSWER: CARTILAGE...
Which of the following are NOT native to North America? w) Mountain Quail x) Ringneck Pheasant y) Sharptail Grouse z) Masked Bob-White Answer : ANSWER: X -- RINGNECK PHEASANT...
In 1991, critical habitat was designated for this well-known species in the states of Washington, Oregon and California. w) brown bear x) northern spotted owl y) bald eagle z) snail darter Answer : ANSWER: X -- NORTHERN SPOTTED OWL...
Pangaea is the name of a former continent that included: w) all the continents x) only Europe and Asia y) only South America and Africa z) only North and South America Answer : ANSWER: W -- ALL THE CONTINENTS...
A gaseous organic compound that is best known for its use in preservative solutions has the chemical formula HCHO (read: H - C - H CHEM-92; Short Answer: Give me the name and atomic number ... element is a clear, odorless gas. This element is one of the essential ingredients in the burning process. Answer : ANSWER: OXYGEN ATOMIC NUMBER = 8...
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