Children hostel allowance is exempt up to per month per child for two children. A) Rs.100 B) Rs.200 C) Rs.250 D) Rs.300 Answer : D) Rs.300...
Transport allowance given by the employer to the employee is exempt up to ……….. A) Rs.1000p.m B) Rs.1600p.m C) Rs.1000p.a D) Rs.1600p.a Answer : B) Rs.1600p.m...
Entertainment allowance is allowed as a deduction as per section …………… A) 16 B) 16(i) C) 16(ii) D) 16(iii) Answer : C) 16(ii)...
The minimum exceptional limit of income is………………. A) 250,000 B) 200,000 C) 300,000 D) 500,000 Answer : C) 300,000...
P and Q undertake to do a piece of job for Rs.1200. P alone can do it in 12 days while Q alone can do it in 16 days. With the help of R , they finish it in 6 days. Find the share of P,Q & R. a) 400,600,200 b) 200,400,600 c) 450,400,250 d) 600,450,150 Answer : D R;s 1 day work = 1/6 – (1/12 + 1/16) =1/6 – 1/12 – 1/16 = (8-4-3)/48 = 1/48 P:Q:R = ratio of 1 day work = 1/12:1/16 : 1/48 =4:3:1 P’s share = Rs(1200*4/8) =Rs.600 Q’s share = Rs(1200 * 3/8) =Rs.450 R’s share = Rs(1200 * 1/8) =Rs.150...
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