Generally an adolescent is full of anxiety, anger and tension. How would you sublimate his stress and strain? Options: A) Through friendly relations, sharing his private life and giving due emotional ... C) Through rejection and leave him in isolation D) By making a mockery as a philosopher Answer : A) Through friendly relations, sharing his private life and giving due emotional comforts...
A child has been admitted to your school who belongs to a back ward family/background from the cultural viewpoint. You will Options: A) keep him in a class in which, there are many more ... arrangements for teaching him, keeping his special needs in view D) Advise him to take up vocational education Answer : C) keep him in a normal class but will make special arrangements for teaching him, keeping his special needs in view...
You bringing your pupil for a monument visit outside your city. A father is reluctant to send his child for this. What will you do? Options: A) Leave that child and go with others B) Try ... for sending his child by explaining the importance of such as educational and cultural trip. D) None of these Answer : C) Try to convince him for sending his child by explaining the importance of such as educational and cultural trip....
One of your colleagues is living in your locality but you have no affinity with him, the reason may be Options: A) his selfishness B) his religious faith C) his social rejection D) his miserable behaviour and rural background Answer : A) his selfishness ...
A Backward Child Is A Slow Learner. He Does Not Respond Satisfactorily To The Ordinary School Curriculum And To The Usual Methods. The Causes Of This Phenomena Are Options: A) Poor Intellectual Ability And Low Intelligence B) Physical Defects And Diseases C) Emotional Disturbance D) All Of The Above Answer : D) All Of The Above ...
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