What can you say about the following statements? I. XML tags are case-insensitive. II. In JavaScript, identifier names are case-sensitive. III. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) cannot be used with XML. IV. All well-formed ... IV are false. (3) only I and III are false. (4) only II and IV are false. Answer : Answer: Marks to all...
Study of the trend of the same items of two or more balance sheets a) Common size Profit and Loss A/C b) Common size balance sheet c) Comparative Income statement d) Comparative Balance Sheet Answer : Study of the trend of the same items of two or more balance sheets a) Common size Profit and Loss A/C b) Common size balance sheet c) Comparative Income statement d) Comparative Balance Sheet...
COCOMO stands for (A) COmposite COst MOdel (B) COnstructive COst MOdel (C) COnstructive COmposite MOdel (D) COmprehensive COnstruction MOdel Answer : (B) COnstructive COst MOdel Explanation: The Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) is an algorithmic software cost estimation model. ...
What are the characteristics of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation ? (a) It increases the workload on students by taking multiple tests. (b) It replaces marks with grades. (c) It evaluates every aspect of the student. (d) It helps in ... ) and (d) (C) (a), (b) and (c) (D) (b), (c) and (d) Answer : Answer: D...
The most comprehensive approach to address the problems of man-environment interaction is one of the following : (A) Natural Resource Conservation Approach (B) Urban-industrial Growth Oriented Approach (C) Rural-agricultural Growth Oriented Approach (D) Watershed Development Approach Answer : (D) Watershed Development Approach...
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