1. Which bank gives long term loan to farmers?

2. Which mineral is essential for controling heart beat?

3. The Chief Minister of Union Territory where such a set up exists, is appointed by whom?

4. India is the world’s largest producer as well as the consumer of which crops?

5. In which veda is the ancient time state craft and polity described?

6. A body has a mass of 6 kg on the Earth; when measured on the Moon, what would be its mas?

7. Who was Dr. Salim Ali ?

8. In which year was the first International Film Festival of India held?

9. When it is 8 P.M. in Tokyo, what is the time at Panama Canal which is located at 180° W of it ?

10. With which man Al Beruni came to India?

11. What is the transmission of characters from one generation to next?

12. Who is authorised to decide over a dispute regarding disqualification of a member of Parliament?

13. What is an example of emulsion?

14. Through which group of countries does the Equator pass?

15. Who was the first Muslim ruler in India?

16. How is the standard of living in a country represented?

17. Nobel Laureate Muhammed Yunus belongs to which country?

18. What is the study of the interaction of antigens and antibodies called?

19. What is the cause of Exposure of rock to the changes of temperature?

20. Who laid the foundations of Portuguese power in India?
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Answer : 1. Land Development Bank 2. Iodine 3. Lt. Governor 4. Pules 5. Arthashastra 6. 6 kg 7. Ornithologist 8. 1952 at Bombay 9. 8.00 A.M. 10. Mahmud of Ghazni 11. Heredity 12. President 13. Milk 14. Colombia, Kenya and Indonesia 15. Muhammad Ghori 16. Per capita income 17. Bangladesh 18. Serology 19. Mechanical weathering 20. Alfonso de Albuquerque
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