1. Which was the first synthetic fibre made by man?

2. Who is the Secretary General of UNO?

3. Amjad Ali Khan is associated with which musical instrument?

4. The latitudes that pass through Sikkim also pass through which State?

5. Where was the All India Muslim League formed in 1906?

7. By whom is the parliament’s expenditure is controlled?

8. What do we use in SONAR?

9. In the structure of planet Earth, below the mantle, the core is mainly made up of which?

10. Which Mughal Emperor had the longest reign?

11. What is the main objective of Antyodaya programme?

12. Irani Trophy is associated with which sport?

13. Cow milk is a rich source of which vitamin?

14. The time at Cairo is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich. Hence, where is it located?

15. The treaty of Bassein (1802) was signed with the British by which Peshwa?

16. Who administers oath of office to the President?

17. What is the best conductor of electricity a 0.1 M solution?

18. Who was named India’s Cricketer of the Century by Wisden?

19. The Dul Hasti Power Station is based on which river?

20. Who was the great Hindu law-giver?
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Answer : 1. Nylon 2. Bann-Ki-Moon 3. Sarod 4. Rajasthan 5. Dacca  7. Comptroller and Auditor General 8. Ultrasonic waves 9. Iron 10. Muhammad Shah 11. Uplift the poor 12. Cricket 13. Vitamin A 14. 30° E longitude 15. Baji Rao II 16. Chief Justice of India 17. Sulphuric acid 18. Kapil Dev 19. Chenab 20. Manu
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