1. Critical angle of. light passing from glass to water is minimum for which colour?
- With whose assistance was Bokaro Steel Limited established?
- Where were the xxvii (1996) Summer Olympic games were held?
- Why was Farakka Barrage commissioned?
- In the Sultanate period, which was the highest rural authority for land revenue?
- What amount of energy transfered from one trophic level to next?
- In whom did the Government of India Act, 1935 veste the residuary power?
- What is formula of plaster of paris?
- Which is called ‘Herring Pond’?
- Which was the main characteristic of the later Vedic age?
- With which game is Brookland (England) associated?
- To which duties is the system of value added taxation applicable?
- What is the normal temperature of the human body?
- Which soils developed on transported sediments?
- Of which dynasty does Vishnu Purana give an account?
- By which act was the office of Governor General of India created?
- Which would expand the most on being heated?
- Who is the proponent and propagandist of the “Art of Living”?
- The longest circle which can be drawn on the earth’s surface passes through where?
- By whom was Zero invented?