1. Which nitrogen fixing bacteria is found in leguminuous plant?

2. A person to be qualified for standing in a panchayat election what age must have he attained?

3. Mirage is observed in a desert due to the phenomenon of which reflection?

4. What is the best representative of the acid igneous rocks?

5. During which Sikh Guru Arjun Dev was killed?

6. In which state is Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary located?

7. Participatory Notes (PNs) are associated with which investors?

8. Which fungus makes symbiotic relationship with the root of higher plant?

9. Which Island of India is an active volcano found?

10. Who was involved in the Alipore Bomb case?

11. Which Chief Justice of India has acted as President of India?

12. AT which °C water has maxium densltv?

13. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty came into force in which year?

14. Which city will never get the vertical rays of the sun?

15. On whom was the title ‘Punjab Kesari’ was conferred?

16. National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology is situated at which place?

17. What is a vestigeal organ in man ?

18. Which was the only President of India who elected unopposed?

19. The largest coal reserves of India are found in which state?

20. Which Sultan provided employment to unemployeds?
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Answer : 1. Rizobium 2. 21 years 3. Total reflection 4. Granite 5. Jahangir 6. Karnataka 7. Foreign Institutional Investors 8. Mycorrhizae 9. Barren Island 10. Aurobindo Ghosh 11. M. Hidayatullah 12. 4°C 13. 1970 14. Sri nagar 15. Lala Lajpat Rai 16. New Delhi 17. Muscles ear lobe 18. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 19. Jharkhand 20. Firoz shah Tughlaq
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