1. When was the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution of India added?

2. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute is located at which city?

3. From where does Indian Railways earn the maximum revenue?

4. Through which Strait, does a tunnel connect the United Kingdom and France?

5. Who was the ruler of Chittor, when Alauddin Khilji attacked and conquered it in 1303 A.D. ?

6. What is the vertical component of earth’s magnetic field?

7. One molecule of hemoglobin can carry how many atom of oxygen?

8. Which Constitutional Amendments banned the floor crossing in Parliament?

9. Which is an inland drainage area?

10. Who was the founder of the first Afghan dynasty in India?

11. What is the title of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s autobiography?

12. Which is a source of methane emission into the atmosphere?

13. Concentrated sulphuric acid is always diluted by adding which thing?

14. The western disturbances which cause rain in north west India originate which sea?

15. Which Sikh Guru who was killed by the orders of Aurangzeb?

16. By whom was oral polio vaccine discovered?

17. Territorial waters of India extends upto how many nautical miles?

18. Which is the regulatory authority for giving clearance for External Commercial borrowing?

19. Which state in India has the largest area under forests?

20. What is the birth place of Guru Gobind Singh?
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Answer : 1. By the first Amendment 2. Nagpur 3. Freight 4. Strait of Dover 5. Rana Ratan Singh 6. 0° 7. 8 8. 52nd 9. Rann of Kutch 10. Bahlol Lodi 11. Wings of Fire 12. Wetland 13. Acid to water 14. Mediterranean Sea 15. Guru Teg Bahadur 16. Jonas Salk 17. 12 18. RBI 19. Madhya Pradesh 20. Patna
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