1. Who was the author of the famous work All Contributions to the Critic of Political Economy’ ?

2. Nobel Prize winning scientist James D. Watson is known for his work in which area?

3. By whom was the law of constant proportions enunciated?

4. Which state of India is the largest producer of lignite coal?

5. Which Veda contains an account of magical charms and spells?

6. Which form an irreversible complex With haemoglobin of blood?

7. Which House is better placed with regard to control over the executive?

8. Which groups suffer the most from inflation?

9. Where was the first state-owned fertilizer plant set-up in 1951?

10. When Alexander invaded India, who were the rulers of Magadha?

11. Which is a programme that converts high level language to machine language?

12. What is the temperature at which the speed of sound in air becomes double its value of 0°C?

13. Chromosomes are made up of which main component?

14. On which date the earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Apehelion)?

15. In the Delhi Sultanate, which administrative unit called Paragana was headed by an official?

16. For whose removal Parliament’s resolution is not needed?

17. Where is the headquarters of the International Fund for Agriculture Development?

18. Which case does stagflation imply?

19. The Earth rotates-around an axis pointing towards which side?

20. Which Sultan built the fifth storeys of Qutub Minar?
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Answer : 1. Karl Marx 2. Genetics3. Proust 4. Tamil Nadu 5. Atharvaveda 6. Carbon monoxide 7. Lok Sabha 8. Creditors 9. Sindri 10. Nandas 11. Compiler 12. 819°C 13. DNA 14. July 4th 15. Amil 16. Judge of Supreme Court 17. Rome 18. Recession plus inflation 19. The pole star 20. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
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