1. By whom is the famous book System a Naturae is written?

2. Which Article of the Constitution of India makes a specific mention of Village Panchayats ?

3. Which is the updated base for Wholesale Price Index (WPI) ?

4. Where are the oceanic current named as ‘Kuroshio, Kurile and Alaskan’ located?–

5. Who was the founder of the autonomous kingoni of Avadh?

6. Where did Mahendra Singh Dhoni make his ODI debut?

7. Which is the gas used to extinguish fire?

8. Deficiency of which vitamin, causes xerophthelmia?

9. Which current is produced by upwelling of cold water?

10. Which was the most significant battle in the establishment of British supremacy in India?

11. Who is entitled to initiate a Bill for Constitutional Amendments?

12. The song “Bande Mataram” was originally composed in which language?

13. What does National income ignore?

14. Which city lies to the western most longitudes?

15. In 1889 a British Committee of the Indian National Congress was started. Who was its Chairman?

16. Which waves are used for a communication through artificial satellites?

17. What is the average fat content in buffalow milk?

18. In which was Indian Constitution amended for the first time?

19. Which is the capital of the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli?

20. The Governor General of Fort William became the Governor General of India under which Charter Act?–
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Answer : 1. Linnaeus 2. Article 40 3. 2004-2005 4. North Atlantic Ocean 5. Saadat Khan Burhan-ul Mulk 6. Chittagong 7. Carbon dioxide 8. Vitamin A 9. Benzuela current 10. Buxar 11. Either House of Parliament 12. Sanskrit 13. Salary of employees 14. Jaipur 15. W. Wedderburn 16. Microwaves 17. 7.2% 18. 1951 19. Silvassa 20. 1833
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