1. In the leaf of tobacco what is found?

2. Anglo-Indian representatives in the Lok Sabha are nominated in terms of which Article?

3. How many image will be formed if two mirrors are fitted adjacent walls and one mirror on ceiling?

4. Who founded the French School of Regional Geography?

5. The bitterest war of succession under the great Mughals was fought among whose sons?

6. All Sher, an Arjuan award winner, is associated with which game?

7. Which is not an award given on the National Awards Day?

8. What does the outermost whorl of Bougainvillea flower consist of?

9. Which is the place that has the longest day and the shortest night on 22nd December,?

10. Under which system of assessment, the British Government collected revenue directly from the farmers?

11. By whom is the composition of the UPSC determined?

12. In which Molecule the distance between two adjacent carbon atoms is longest?

13. When was the decimal system of currency introduced in India?

14. Geostationary orbit is at a height of howmany km?

15. Where was the first Indian university opened in 1857?

16. Who is the author of the book’ Economic Nightmare of India’?

17. Most of the digestion occur in which part of alimentory canal of man?

18. After howmany years is Finance Commission constituted by the President?

19. In which country, has maximum damage to the forest been caused by acid rain?

20. Who was named as Mira Ben by Mahatma Gandhi?
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Answer : 1. Nicotin 2. 331 3. 7 4. Paul Vidal de in Blache 5. Shahjahan 6. Golf 7. Vishwamitra Award 8. Bract 9. Melbourne 10. Ryotwari 11. By the President 12. Ethane 13. 1957 14. 36,000 km 15. Calcutta 16. Charan Singh 17. Small intestine 18. Every five years 19. Poland 20. Madeline Slade
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