1. Indian President and Prime Minister are a replica of the heads of the State of which country?

2. Niagara Falls is located between which pairs of lakes?

3. What was the crux of early Buddhism?

4. What is the major ingredient of leather?

5. With which sport is Leroy Burrell associated?

6. Of which bills Open market operations of a Central Bank are sale and purchase?

7. Which country makes maximum use of the geothermal energy?

8. During which time was Gandhara school of art developed?

9. By which are heredity characters of parent transfered to their offspring?

10. When is the Constitution of India designed to work as a unitary government?

11. Which particle has similar mass to that of the electron?

12. Which Grand Banks are famous fishing grounds in the region?

13. The King Kanishka held a great Buddhist Council under whose presidentship ?

14. The term ‘deuce’ is common in which two games?

15. What is the number of principal organs of UNO?

16. What is exception to Mendel’s principle of dominance?

17. Among source of power India has largest reserves of which source of power?

18. Which Generals of Alauddin Khilji ultimately became the first Sultan of the Tughlaq dynasty?

19. Who is the highest Law Officer of a State?

20. Which acid used to remove inkspots?
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Answer : 1. Britain 2. Lake Erie and lake Ontario 3. Renunciation of desire 4. Collagen 5. Athletics 6. Trade bills 7. Iceland 8. Mauryas 9. Chromosomes 10. In times of Emergency 11. Positron 12. North-West Atlantic 13. Vasurnitra 14. Badminton and Tennis 15. 6 16. Mirablius 17. Coal 18. Ghazi Malik 19. Advocate General 20. Oxalic acid
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