1. With which game in Christianio Ronaldo associated?

2. How is angular speed of a whirlwind in a tornado towards the centre?

3. In which the claim of Ashoka’s greatness cheifly lay?

4. Sweating during exercise indicates operation of which process in the human body?

5. Which is the State having the largest population of scheduled castes?

6. Why is used as coolant in the radiator of a car engine?

7. What are tropical cyclones of the Bay of Bengal usually called?

8. Which Ashokan inscription gives an account of the Kalinga war and its effects?

9. Where are the headquarters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) located?

10. What does National income ignore?

11. Which is responsible for converting milk into curd ?

12. Mangrane vegetation in India is most extensive in which forest?

13. 'Who among the following are credited to have built the famous Ellora caves?

14. What type of Party system has been evolved in India?

15. Which is used in beauty parlours for’ hair setting?

16. Which monument in India is the memorial to the unknown soldier?

17. When was petroleum discovered first in commercial quantitie in India?

18. In India, who was the first to put forward the theory that the earth revolves round the sun?

19. Who is the founder of world Economic Forum?

20. Which fungus is responsible for the tikka disease of groundnut?
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Answer : 1. Football 2. Decreases rapidly 3. Promotion of welfare of his people 4. Osmoregulation 5. Utter Pradesh 6. Because it has high specific heat 7. Typhoons 8. Minor Rock Edict XIII 9. Jeddah 10. Salary of employees 11. Bacteria 12. Sunder bans 13. Rashtrakutas 14. Multi-Party 15. Sulphur 16. India Gate 17. 1890 18. Aryabhatta 19. Klaus Schwab 20. Cercosplora personata
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