1. Which newspaper was published in Bengali language?

2. The Imperial Bank of India, after nationalisation was given the name of which bank?

3. Deficiency of which vitamin causes knock-knee, bow legs and pigeon chest in children?

4. The lake Ontario and St. Lawrence of USA and Canada lie to the south-east of which bay?

5. Which event was characterised by Montague as ‘Preventive Murder’ ?

6. What is the minimum permissible age for employment in any factory or mine?

7. Which mixture is homogeneous?

8. Which is not an award given on the National Awards Day?

9. What is the major source of oceanic salinity?

10. On which date was Mahatma Gandhi assassinated?

11. How long are professional Golf Tour players allotted per short?

12. BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerine) is injected to get immunity from which disease?

13. Who is competent to prescribe conditions as for acquiring Indian citizenship?

14. Which country has the longest international boundary with India?

15. Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’ deals with the aspects of which policies?

16. The hydraulic brakes used in automobiles is a direct application of which law?

17. In which year was Minimum inflation in post economic reform?

18. When did the first Commonwealth Games take place?

19. Which is the deepest landlocked protected port ?

20. Where was a Buddhisit council during the reign of Ashoka held?
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Answer : 1. Jugantar 2. State Bank of India 3. Vitamin D 4. Hudson Bay 5. Massacre of Jallianwala Bagh 6. 14 years 7. Methanol and water 8. Vishwamitra Award 9. Rivers 10. January 30, 1948 11. 45 seconds 12. Tuberculosis 13. Parliament 14. Bangladesh 15. Political policies 16. Pascal’s law 17. 1999-2000 18. 1930 19. Vishakhapatnam 20. At Pataliputra
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