1. Uranium Corporation of India Limited is situated in which state?

2. How much portion of egg does protein content?

3. Which States has granted Sanskrit language the status of the second official language of the State?

4. What is the period of one revolution of sun around the centre of galaxy called?

5. The rock-cut caves at Elephanta belong to which period?

6. Which are waves moving from a sitar to a listener in air?

7. In which case is the area under cultivation is declining fast?

8. The first neutron reactor of India, ‘Kamini’, is situated at which place?

9. By whom are the planets are kept in motion in their respective orbits?

10. The images of which deities are in the temple of Angkorvat?

11. In human beings, What is the opening of the stomach into the small Intestine called?

12. Which is the largest committee of Parliament of India?

13. Which substance coated on plastic tape?

14. Which is the cloud that is dark-grey or black, found at very low height and brings the real rain?

15. When did Bahmani Kingdom in South India extinguish?

16. Which is the oldest international airline?

17. By whom was the book Wealth of Nations’ written?

18. What is the roots arises from the horizontal arial branches of tree Banyan called?

19. The cauliflower shape is associated with which cloud formations?

20. What was the The capital of Bahmani Kingdom?
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Answer : 1. Bihar 2. 13.3% 3. Uttarakhand 4. Cosmic year 5. Chalukyas 6. Longitudinal progressive 7. Jute 8. Kalpakkam 9. Gravitation and centrifugal force 10. Hindu deities 11. Pylorus 12. Estimates Committee 13. Iron oxide 14. Nimbostratus 15. In beginning of 16th century 16. Dutch KLM 17. Adam Smith 18. Prop root19. Cumulus 20. Gulbarga
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