1. In which years did the Right to Information Act come into force?

  1. The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from where?

  1. The name of Geoff Bycott is associated with which game?

  1. What is exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on its own axis?

  1. Who built the famous Dilwara temple at Mount Abu in the 13th century ?

  1. Who was first President of U.S.A. to visit India?

  1. Where is Human body’s main organ of balance located?

  1. Whow resigned as Vice-President to contest for the office of the President?

  1. Which chemically inactive gas present in the atmosphere?

  1. By whom was the Persian style of Sabaq-i-Hindi adopted?

  1. By whom was the absolute value of charge on electron determined?

  1. What does real national income denote?

  1. Who was the first PM of England?

  1. What are the Doldrums?

  1. Which acquired the double dome for the first time?

  1. What is the net gain of energy from one gram mole of glucose during aerobic respiration?

  1. Where are the disputes regarding the election of the President and Vice-President settle?

  1. From which the cathode ray particles originate in a discharge tube?

  1. Which is the country that has the greatest length of the day during summer?

  1. Which Mughal emperor is credited with the composition of Hindi songs?
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1 Answer

Answer : 1 1. 2005 2. Inner orbits of atoms 3. Cricket 4. 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 see 5. Tejapala 6. D. W. Eisenhower 7. Inner part of ear 8. V.V. Giri 9. Argon 10. Amir Khusrau 11. R.A. Millikan 12. National income at constant prices 13. Gladstone 14. Equatorial zone with low pressure 15. Tomb of Sikandar Lodi 16. 38 ATP 17. In the Supreme Court 18. Cathode 19. Norway 20. Jahangir
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