1. When was ‘Common Market for Eastern and Southern African (COMESA) formed?

2. What is the interrelated food chains in an ecological community?

3. By whom is the conditions of service and tenure of the Election Commissioner prescribed?

4. Where was the first oil well in India was dug?

5. Timur, the Lame invaded India during the reign of which ruler?

6. Which elementis produced when concentrated cinnabar is roasted in the excess of air?

7. Where is the headquarters of Pan American Health Organisation?

8. Which is the most important item of non-plan expenditure?

9. Neap tides occur during which phase of the moon?

10. Which Peshwas was popularly known as Nana Saheb ?

11. Which vegetable protein is considered as good as an animal protein?

12. In which year were the first general elections in India held?

13. Which nuclides having the same number of neutrons but different number of protons or mass number?

14. Which oceanic tidal wave that moves upto 200 MPH and is up to 1000 feet high?

15. Which Maratha Peshwa followed the ideal of Hindu Pada-Padshahi ?

16. When is World Blood Donor Day, recognized by the UN is observed?

17. When is International Day of Democracy, recognized by the UN observed?

18. To which type of organisms do mushrooms belong?

19. Plants having thorny leaves and penetrating roots are classified by which name?

20. To which age the Indus Valley Civilization belongs?
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Answer : 1. 1994 2. Food Web 3. Parliament 4. Digboi 5. Mohammad Shah Tughlaq 6. Hg 7. Mexico 8. Interest payment 9. First and third quarter 10. Balaji Baji Rao 11. Soyabean protein 12. 1951 13. Isotones 14. Tsunami 15. Baji Rao I 16. June 14 17. September 15 18. Fungi 19. Xerophytes 20. Neolithic age
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