1. Which book was written by Gandhiji?
- Which vitamin is essential for the coagulation of blood?
- Which describes India as a Secular State?
- When the wind is deflected due to the rotation of the Earth, what is it called?
- Which part of Delhi where Aibak laid the foundation of the first so called 'Seven cities' of medieval Delhi,?
- Which is used in storage batteries?
- When is World Population Day, recognized by the UN is observed?
- Who was the first Chairman of the Planning Commission?
- The equatorial regions receive rainfall throughout the year. What is the annual rainfall?
- When Abdur Razzak from Persia visited Hampi, who was the ruler of Vijayanagar in South India?
- How much protein a working woman must intake everyday?
- Who was the first leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha?
- An element X forms an oxide X03. What is the valency of X?
- Which is the world’s largest desert ?
- From where Alauddin Khalji captured the Delhi throne after securing fabulous wealth?
- Which year is celebrated as International Year of the Shark?
- Who was the first Indian woman to scale the Mount Everest?
- What is the introduction of foreign genes for improving genotype?
- The problem of leaching of the soil is more pronounced in the areas how rainfall is there?
- Who was the first Mughal emperor to allow Britishers to establish trade links with India?