1. Which organ breaks fat to produce cholesterol?

2. By whom the salary and perquisites of the Prime Minister of India are decided?

3. During the fermentation of sugar, which enzyme which converts glucose into ethyl *******?

4. The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the place of which point?

5. Who was the first Indian Hindi scholar of the Mughal period?

6. Amnesty International is an organisation associated with which field?

7. Which human organ is most susceptible to harmful radiations?

8. Which part modified into pitcher in pitcher plant?

9. Who introduced the term anticyclone for the first time?

10. Which distinguishes the Harappan from other contemporary civilizations of the world?

11. What about ministry in the event of the resignation or death of the Prime Minister?

12. A temperature difference of 25°C is equivalent to a temperature difference of howmany F?

13. Participatory Notes (PNs) are associated with which investors?

14. Why do the tropical cyclones not occur close to the equator?

15. What was the primary purpose of a seal in the Indus Valley Civilisation?

16. What is Anosmia?

17. Entomophily pollination occur with the help of which creatures?

18. English is the official language of which State?

19. Which river does not form any delta at its mouth?

20. Who presided over the first Buddhist Council held at Rajgriha ?
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Answer : 1. Liver 2. Parliament 3. zymase 4. Equator 5. Abdur Rahim 6. Protection of human rights 7. Lungs 8. Leaf 9. F. Galton 10. Town planning and drainage 11. The Ministry is dissolved 12. 45° F 13. Foreign Institutional Investors 14. Weak coriolis force 15. To signify ownership of property 16. Loss of the sense of smell 17. Insects 18. Nagaland 19. Tapti & Narmada 20. Maha Kassapa
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