1. Which tissue is responsible for the secondary growth?

2. By whom the salary and perquisites of the Prime Minister of India are decided?

3. What happens to the level of mercury in the barometer tube when it is taken down a coal mine?

4. Mac Mohan Line demarcates the boundary between which countries?

5. When Babur invaded India who was the ruler of Vijayanagara empire in South India?

6. For which word, the letter ‘G’ has been used in ‘2G Spectrum’?

7. Indian Institute of Forest management is located at which place?

8. Whose living cell provides tensility and mechanical strength?

9. The northern part of the west coast is known by which name?

10. Who was a contemporary of Chingiz Khan?

11. What about ministry in the event of the resignation or death of the Prime Minister?

12. What is the most abundant on the earth crust?

13. Which provides the largest part of the demand for loanable funds in India?

14. Which river flows through Maharashtra and Gujarat ?

15. The number of wives of which Mughal ruler ‘fell short even of the Quranic allowance of four’ ?

16. Who is the author of the book “Termites in the Trading system”?

17. Which part of brain is centre of thirst hunger and sleep?

18. A Judge of a High Court wanting to resign addresses his letter of resignation to whom?

19. Which river basin is called ‘Ruhr of India’?

20. During which ruler were Upanishads translated into Persian?
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Answer : 1. Cambium 2. Parliament 3. It rises 4. India and China 5. Krishna Deva Raya 6. Generation 7. Dehradun 8. Collenchyma 9. Konkan coast 10. Iltutmish 11. The Ministry is dissolved 12. Al 13. Corporate businesses 14. Tapti 15. Aurangzeb 16. Jagdish Bhagwati 17. Hypothalmus 18. The President 19. Damodar 20. Shah Jahan
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