1. Who is the creator of the Rock Garden in Chandigarh?

2. When did UN General Assembly establish UN Industrial Development Organization?

3. Which organelles in the cell, other than nucleus contains DNA?

4. In India which is the State with the largest area under very dense forests?

5. By whom was the Asiatic Society established in Calcutta?

6. In which country did the concept of Public Interest Litigation originated?

7. The wavelength of X-rays is of the order of howmany angstrom?

8. A crossed cheque is one, which can be encashed only at which bank?

9. In which place is the headquarters of the North-Eastern Railway located?

10. Which reformer from Maharashtra was known as Lokhitavadi?

11. In which year ‘Human Rights Resolution’ was adopted by the U.N. ?

12. What is infolding from the inner membrane of mitochondria called?

13. Which amendment curtailed the power of Judicial review of the Supreme Court and the High Courts?

14. Which National Highway connects Chennai and Visakhapatnarn ?

15. Where was the sepoys revolted openly in 1857?

16. By which Carbon and hydrogen are estimated in organic compounds?

17. Who wrote the book ‘Reminiscences of the Nehru Age’?

18. What do Quantitative credit controls not include?

19. Which is the largest irrigation canal of the world?

20. By whom was the Civil Disobedience Movement led in the North-West Frontier Province?
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Answer : 1. Nek Chand 2. 1966 3. Mitochondria 4. Arunachal Pradesh 5. Sir William Jones 6. The United States 7. 1 Angstrom 8. State Bank of India. 9. Gorakhpur 10. Gopal Hari Deshmukh 11. 1945 12. Cristae 13. 42th 14. NH 5 15. Meerut 16. Liebig’s method 17. O.P. Mathai 18. RBI directives 19. Indira Gandhi Canal 20. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
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