1. If you wish to visit Golconda Fort, you will have to go to which state?

2. Which biome has the highest species diversity?

3. By whom was first successful vaccine against virul disease of small pox discovered?

4. Kanha National Park belongs to which biogeographical area in the world?

5. In which year was Vande Mataram first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress?

6. The five year term of the President is calculated from which day?

7. Which effect shows particle nature of height?

8. Of which purpose was Nationalisation of banks done?

9. Which planet is known as veiled planet?

10. Which State was first annexed by Lord Dalhousie under the Doctrine of Lapse?

11. Which contenent has the lowest growth rate of population?

12. Nitrogen fixing bacteria is useful in growing which crop?

13. If the President wants to resign from office, he may do so by writing to whom?

14. Which is the largest fresh water lake in the world?

15. Which leader of the Revolution of 1857 had the real name of Ram Chandra Pandurang ?

16. Activated charcoal is employed to remove colouring matter from pure substance, it work?

17. Other than India and China, which group of countries border Myanmar?

18. Word Bull and Big are associated with which branch of commercial activity?

19. Which is the largest river in the world?

20. Mahatma Gandhi gave the call ‘Do or Die’ during which movement?
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Answer : 1. Karnataka 2. Tropical rainforests 3. Edward Jenner 4. Tropical Sub-humid Forests 5. 1896 6. The day he assumes charge 7. Photoelectric effect 8. Consolidating the economy 9. Mars 10. Satara 11. Europe 12. Legume 13. VicePresident 14. Lake Superior 15. Tatiya Tope 16. Adsorption 17. Thailand, Laos and Bangladesh 18. Share Market 19. Amazon 20. Quit India Movement
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