1. The World Food Prize is given by which organisation/world bodie?

2. Who are not protected against inflation?

3. For which is the southern blot technique used for the detection?

4. Which is the State with the largest area under waste land?

5. ‘Padmavat’ of Malik Muhammad Jaisi, a notable, work in Hindi, was completed during which reign?

6. A Money Bill passed by the Lok Sabha has to be passed/returned by Rajya Sabha within howmany days?

7. What dose not contain a hydrophobic structure?

8. How many Nobel Prizes have been awarded so far to Indian citizens?

9. In which is the largest population of Scheduled Tribes?

10. Who commanded the Maratha army in the third battle of Panipat ?

11. Tejaswini Sawant is the first Indian woman to be crowned World Champion in which sports?

12. Which is the richest source of ascorbic acid?

13. Which worm reach into intestine of human by eating leaf?

14. Palghat joins which states?

15. In which year was Bombay was acquired by the English from the Portuguese?

16. How can a Change in distribution of powers between the Centre and the States be done?

17. Which is electrical circuits used to get smooth de output from a rectified circuit called?

18. By which bill does the government make arrangement for the collection of revenues for a year?

19. Which forms the western boundary of the Indian sub-continent?

20. Uplift of the backward classes was the main programme of which famay?
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Answer : 1. Kraft general foods 2. Agricultural farmers 3. DNA 4. Jammu and Kashmir 5. Sher Shah 6. 14 days 7. Rubber 8. 3 9. Madhya Pradesh 10. Sadashiv Rao Bhau 11. Shooting 12. Guava 13. Tape worm 14. Kerala and Tamil Nadu 15. 1662 16. Amending the Constitution 17. Filter 18. Finance Bill 19. Hindukush 20. Satyashodhak Samaj
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