1. In which year was the Constituent Assembly which framed the Constitution for Independent India set up?

2. The mass-energy relation is the outcome of which teory?

3. Who is the author of the book ‘India Remembered’?

4. Local thunderstorms ‘Norwesters’ are prominent in which state?

5. Who among the following had led the Swadeshi Movement in Delhi?

6. What are the total members of Security Council–

7. Wisdom teeth normally grow during the which age?

8. Who presided over the inaugural meeting of the Constituent Assembly of India?

9. If the atmosphere is cooled, what is its capacity for water vapour?

10. A Buddhist Council during the reign of Kanishka was held at which place?

11. Which alloy used in making heating elements for electric heating devices?

12. By which ministry is Economic survey published?

13. Which organ of UNO is considered as world parliament?

14. A majority of the population of New found land are engaged in which profession?

15. Which dynasty was associated with Gandhara school of Art?

16. Which disease is characterised by inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord?

17. Between which a government is federal or unitary on the basis of relations?

18. Which purified oil does Aviation fuel for jet aeroplanes consist?

19. Which country produced 127 lakh metric tones fish in 2010?

20. Who was appointed by Ashoka to administer justice in his empire?
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Answer : 1. 1946 2. Special theory of relativity 3. Pameia Mountbatten 4. West Bengal 5. Syed Haider Raza 6. 15 7. 17-30 years 8. Sachidananda Sinha 9. Lowered 10. Kashmir 11. Nichrome 12. Ministry of Finance 13. General Assembly 14. Fishing 15. Kushans 16. Meningitis 17. Centre and States 18. Kerosene 19. Japan 20. Rajuka
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