1. If a material, placed in a magnetic field is thrown out of it, then how is the material?

2. Who became the first Indian to take 16 wickets in a single test match?

3. Stock Exchanges play a role in an economy how may itbe termed?

4. Which is the highest lake above the sea level in the world?

5. The Maratha power reached the zenith of its glory during which reign?

6. A person who lives exclusively on milk, egg and bread is likey to become a victim of which desease?

7. Which is at the apex of the-three tier system of Panchayati Raj ?

8. In organic compound, halogens are estimated by which method?

9. Which is the example of crater lake?

10. The ‘Misl’ of which Ranjit Singh was the leader?

11. Where is the headquarters of International Olympic Committee?

12. Who is the author of the book ‘My Country, My Life’ ?

13. Which is known as ‘graveyard of RBCs’?

14. Exceptionally high rainfall is recorded in regions owing to which effect?

15. Which Land tenure systems was introduced by Lord Cornwallis?

16. Which can impose reasonable restrictions on the Fundamental Rights of the Indian citizens?

17. If the temperature of a semiconductor rises, what is its resistivity?

18. CENVAT is associated with which rate?

19. In which country has maximum damage to the forests been caused by acid rain?

20. By whom was Swaraj as a national demand first made?
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Answer : 1. Diamagnetic 2. Narendra Hirwani 3. Useful but need strict regulation 4. Lake Titicaca 5. Shivaji 6. Scurvy 7. Zila Parishad 8. Carius method 9. Oregon 10. Sukerchakia 11. At Lausanne (Switzerland) 12. L.K. Advani 13. Spleen 14. Orographic effect 15. Zamindari 16. Parliament 17. Decrease 18. Rate of indirect tax 19. Poland 20. Dadabhai Naoroji
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