1. Which act made the Indian Legislature bicameral?

2. By which a mixture of sand and naphthalene can be separated?

3. The ‘Uruguay Round’ negotiations resulted in the establishment of which organization?

4. Durand line is the border common to which two countries?

5. Who stated that there was no slavery in India ?

6. Which flim was made by Satyajit Ray for Children?

7. Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomating?

8. What is the duration of proclamation of Financial Emergency?

9. Which set of countries are completely surrounded by land?

10. Which ruler had granted Diwani to the East India company?

11. By which Radio waves of constant amplitude can be generated?

12. When is International Day of Peace, recognized by the UN is observed?

13. In which year was ‘Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana’ launched?

14. Where is the southernmost point of India located?

15. Which factory in Bengal, the was established by the Portuguese?

16. Which is used to know the development of foetus in uterus?

17. During the proclamation of National Emergency which articls can not be suspended?

18. Which oil is used in the floatation method for the purification of ores?

19. What is the name of the group of languages spoken by the largest number of people in India?

20. Which was the first metal used by man?
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Answer : 1. Government of India Act, 1919 2. Sublimation 3. WTO 4. Pakistan and Afghanistan 5. Megasthenes 6. Sonar Killa 7. Medulla oblangata 8. At the first instance two months 9. Mongolia, Zambia, Bolivia 10. Shah Alam II 11. Oscillator 12. September 21 13. 2005 14. Great Nicobar 15. Hoogly 16. Ultrasound 17. Articles 20 and 21 18. Pine oil 19. Indo-Aryan 20. Copper
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