1. The United Nations declared 2013 as the International Year of which coperation?

  1. What is an instrument for measuring the rate of transpiration?

  1. By whom was an inter-State Council set up in 1990 under Article 263 of the Constitution?

  1. Which reflects back more sunlight as compared to other three ?

  1. Who started the newspaper Shome Prakash?

  1. Which substance does not have a melting point?

  1. How many votes are entitled for members of the UN Economic and Social Council?

  1. In India, in which industry are maximum number of workers employed?

  1. Which is the soil formed by wind dust in and around hot deserts?

  1. In whose court was a Chinese embassy sent by Tang emperor?

  1. For which snake is the diet mainly composed of their snakes?

  1. On which date India became a Sovereign, democratic republic?

  1. What minimum number of non-zero non-collinear vectors is required to produce a zero vector?

  1. Where are Niagara Falls?

  1. Which inscription mentions Pulkesin II’s military success against Harshavardhana?

  1. What is the present strength of members in the Economic and Social Council of the UN body?

  1. Which book was written by Graham Greene?

  1. What structure is common to both earthworm and cockroach?

  1. Which Strait connecting Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal?

  1. Chandragupta Maurya figures prominently in whose book?
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Answer : 1. Water Cooperation 2. Potometer 3. President 4. Land covered with fresh snow 5. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar 6. Glass 7. One vote 8. Textile industry 9. Loess soil 10. Harshavardhana 11. Kinqcobra 12. Jan 26, 1950 13. 3 14. U.S.A. 15. Aihole Inscription 16. 54 17. The Power and Glory 18. Ventral nerve cord 19. Palk Strait 20. Vishakhdatta
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