1. What is the wavelength of visible spectrum?

2. The fragments of which comet system collided with Jupiter in July 1994 ?

3. The National Housing Bank was set up in India as a wholly-owned subsidiary of which bank?

5. Which was the most important factor in transforming ancient Indian society into feudal society?

6. Which animal resembles most to human beings in terms of physical and mental capabilities?

7. From where can a Member of Parliament claim immunity?

8. Salts of which element pre vide colours to fireworks?

9. Where are the Postaz temperate grassland?

10. Which was the Chola king who conquered the northern part of Sri Lanka and made it a province of his empire?

11. Where is the largest automobile manufacturing centre in the world located?

12. ORT (Oral Rehydration Therapy) is associated with the treatment of which disease?

13. To suspect HIV/AIDS in a young individual, which symptom is mostly associated with?

14. Which is the chief industry of Afghanistan?

15. Why did Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq transfer his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad?

16. With which the executive power relating to concurrent subjects remain?

17. We cannot see during a fog. why?

18. Which situation makes a firm most efficient?

19. Silk textiles are mainly produced in which countries?

20. The Portuguese traveller, Nuniz visited Vijayanagar during the reign of which rular?
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Answer : 1. 3900-7600 A 2. Shoemaker-Levy 9 3. Reserve Bank of India 5. Practice of land grants 6. Chimpanzee 7. From civil cases only 8. Strontiur and barium 9. Hungary 10. Rajaraja 11. Detroit 12. Diarrhea 13. Chronic diarrhoea 14. Carpet making 15. To control South India better 16. The Centre 17. Because of scattering of light 18. Lowest average costs 19. China and India 20. Achyuta Raya
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