Which of the following is the best statement of the relationship of intelligence to delinquency? Options: A) Dull children are most likely to be apprehended and appear to be more often delinquent B) ... ad the imbeciles D) Delinquency is not a product of intelligence as much as of other factors Answer : B) Dull children appear more frequently delinquent because they tend to come from slum areas where strict law enforcement prevails...
Which of the following describes the major difference between bryophytes (pron: bry-oh-fites) and tracheophytes (pron: tray-key-o-fites)? a) tracheophytes can survive on land b) ... inside fruits c) tracheophytes can make their own food d) tracheophytes have vessels to transport materials Answer : ANSWER: D -- TRACHEOPHYTES HAVE VESSELS TO TRANSPORT MATERIALS ...
Leaves of many grasses are capable of folding and unfolding because (1) their mesophyll is not differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma (2) they have stomata on both sides of the leaf (3) they have high levels of silica (4) they have specialised bulliform cells Answer : they have specialised bulliform cells...
Which one of the following statements is not valid for aerosols ? (1) They alter rainfall and monsoon patterns (2) They cause increased agricultural productivity (3) They have negative impact on agricultural land (4) They are harmful to human health Answer : (2) They cause increased agricultural productivity...
Water pipes in hilly areas often burst on a cold frosty night, because (1) the material of which pipes are made contracts due to cold and so breaks (2) water in the pipes freezes and on freezing water expands, so pipes break (3) frost makes the pipes rusty, so they break (4) None of these Answer : water in the pipes freezes and on freezing water expands, so pipes break...
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