You could remove a large part of your internal organs and survive. The human body may appear fragile but it's possible to survive even with the removal of the stomach, the spleen, 75 percent of the ... pelvic and groin area. You might not feel too great, but the missing organs wouldn't kill you.
Honey that has high concentration of sugar does not decay because (1) Bacteria cannot survive in an active state as it is totally deprived of oxygen (2) It contains natural antioxidant that prevents bacterial ... state in a solution of high osmotic strength as water is drawn out (4) None of these Answer : Bacteria cannot survive in an active state in a solution of high osmotic strength as water is drawn out...
Camel is a desert animal, that can live without water for many days, because (1) it does not need water (2) water is formed in the body due to oxidation of fat (3) it has the water sac in the walls of the lumen of stomach (4) All of the above Answer : All of the above...
Which of the following options correctly represents the lung conditions in asthma and emphysema, respectively ? (1) Inflammation of bronchioles; Decreased respiratory surface (2) ... respiratory surface; Inflammation of bronchioles (4) Decreased respiratory surface; Inflammation of bronchioles Answer : (1) Inflammation of bronchioles; Decreased respiratory surface...
Which organ gets affected in Weil’s disease? (1) Liver (2) Lung (3) Heart (4) Kidney Answer : Kidney...
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