Describe construction and working of closed cycled gas turbine. Answer : Construction: In above figure shows a closed cycle gas turbine which consists of compressor, heating chamber gas turbine which drives the generator, compressor and a cooling chamber. ... is cooled at constant pressure with the help of circulating air is circulated through compressor. ...
Give the classification of gas turbine Answer : Answer: Classification of gas turbine: 1. According to the path of the working substance: i) Open cycle gas turbine ii) Close cycle gas turbine iii) Semi-closed cycle gas turbine 2. According ... turbine ii) Reaction turbine 5. According to their usage: i) Constant speed ii) Variable speed...
(i) Explain construction and working of geothermal power plant. (ii) Explain the construction and working of bomb calorimeter. Answer : (i) Geothermal power plant: Construction and Working: geothermal power plant which consists of the following main components: Underground steam storage, steam separator, steam separator, turbine and Generator. Steam is ... . From the above data the calorific value of the fuel can be found. ...
Explain working of thermal power plant. Answer : Working of thermal power plant: In this power plant, coal is used as a fuel for combustion in combustion chamber. After combustion of fuel the heat is generated and this heat is given to the ... by using cooling water and this condensate again used for the boiler with the help of feed pump. ...
List different types of ideal gas processes Answer : Following are the different types of ideal gas processes 1. Isochoric (constant volume process) 2. Isobaric (constant pressure process) 3. Isothermal (constant temperature process) 4. Isentropic (constant entropy process) 5. Polytropic process ...
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