Why does the magnetic field flow from north to south?
A magnetic circuit has effective iron length of 100 cm and it is wound with 800 turns of wire carries 1 A. Find the magnetic field strength. Answer : magnetic field strength ...
What arc the errors occurring in measuring devices due to stray magnetic field and temp '? Explain how to compensate them. Answer : 1. Error due to stray magnetic fields- Main magnetic field gets disturbed by external magnetic fields known as stray magnetic fields. 2. Compensation technique To avoid this error, ... resistance alloy having a negligible resistance temp coefficient in the ratio of 1:10 for pressure coil ...
Derive an expression for energy stored in a magnetic field . Answer : Expression for energy stored in a magnetic field: The energy is stored in magnetic field when current increases and return back when the current decreases. At instant t' seconds after closer of switch ... energy absorbed by the magnetic field when current increases from 0 to I amperes ...
Give the relation between magnetic field strength, magnetic flux density and permeability.
Define magnetic field strength and state its unit. Answer : Magnetic field strength is the force experienced by a unit N-pole when placed at any point in a magnetic field is known as magnetic field strength or magnetizing force. Magnetising force or magnetic field ... unit of length is metre. So the unit of magnetic field strength is ampere turns per metre....
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