State any four factors governing Selection of site for thermal power station. 
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Following points are considered while selecting site for thermal power station:- 

1. Distance from coal mines :- The power plant should be located near the coal mines, to reduce cost of transportation. 

2. Availability of Water :- Plant should be located near large water reservoir, lake, river or ocean as water is as good as secondary fuel. 

3. Distance from populated area:- As TPP produces air pollution, PP should be located away from populated area. 

4. Easy access:- There should be easy access towards site of power plant for transportation of construction material, machinery, equipment, man power, fuel etc.

5.Near Load Centre:- Power Plant should be located near load center to reduce transmission cost & Losses in transmission line. 

6. Availability of land :- Sufficient large space should be available to build the power plant, for storage of coal, for storage of ash, for staff quarters and also for Future expansion of the power plant. 

7. Condition of land soil:- The land should have high bearing capacity for better foundation of machinery, equipment and buildings. Also, the plant should be constructed on plane land. 

8. Cost of land :- Cost of land should be less to reduce capital cost of power plant. 

9. Away from airport:- As height of chimney is very high, it should be located away from airport. 

10. Earthquake:- Area should be free from earthquake and other natural hazards. 

11. Availability of labour:- Skilled and unskilled labour should be available nearby.

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Following Factors are to be considered:- 1. It should locate near coal mine. 2. Sufficient quantity of water should be available. 3. Sufficient large space should be available. 4. It should be located near load centre. 5. There should be easy access towards power plant. 6. Cost of land should be less. 7. Land should be of good bearing capacity. 8. It should be located away from populated area. 9. Skilled & unskilled labor should be available. 10. Area should be free from earthquake. 


1. A large extent of land is required for the erection of thermal plant. So, the cost of the land has a considerable bearing on the working of a thermal plant. So, the cost of the site should be reasonable. 2. The private land should be as minimum as possible. 3. The operation of a thermal plant requires huge quantities of water. So, it is preferable to have the site near the canal or a river. 4. Facilities should exist for the transport of fuel. 5. The soil should not be too loose or too rocky. 6. The site should be level. There should be no excavation nearby. 7. The site should be far away from the residential localities so as to avoid the nuisance of smoke, noise, etc. 8. Future extensions of the power station should be possible. 9. Sufficient land must be available nearby the power station to build the residential accommodation to the operation and maintenance staff. 10. Ash disposal should not create any problem. 11. To the extent possible, the thermal station should be far away from an aerodrome. 12. If canal or river water is used, it should not be polluted to ensure that the interests of the other users are not affected. 13. The design should be in conformity with the by-laws of the land and the town planning. 14. The interests of national defense must be served.

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