What is crest factor (peak factor)? A) It is the ratio of the maximum amplitude to average value B) It is the ratio of the average amplitude and RMS value C) It is the ratio of the maximum amplitude to RMS value D) None of these Answer : What is crest factor (peak factor)? A) It is the ratio of the maximum amplitude to average value B) It is the ratio of the average amplitude and RMS value C) It is the ratio of the maximum amplitude to RMS value D) None of these ...
Which of the following waveforms has the lowest form factor? A) Sine wave B) Square wave C) Sawtooth wave D) Triangle wave Answer : Which of the following waveforms has the lowest form factor? A) Sine wave B) Square wave C) Sawtooth wave D) Triangle wave ...
Form factor for a sine wave is? Answer : 1.11...
Answer : The form factor is the ratio of r.m.s. value to average value. ...
Compare base load plant with peak load plant on any two points. Answer : Points Base load plant Peak load plant Definition The power plant which supplies base load of load curve is known as base load plant The power plant which supplies ... ,thermal,nuclear power station Small capacity storage hydro,pumped storage hydro,gas,diesel power station. ...
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