The reactive power transfer over a line mainly depends on lVsl- lVRl
Explain the term reactive power. Why it is sometimes essential to measure reactive power? Answer : Reactive power: The reactive power (Q) is defined as the product of voltage(V), current (I) and sine of angle between voltage(V) and current( I) Therefore Reactive power Q = V I ... power so that corrective measures can be taken accordingly to maintain systems power factor near to the unity. ...
List any two methods of reactive power measurement in 3 phase circuit. Answer : Methods of reactive power measurement in 3 phase circuit: (i) Two single phase wattmeter method (ii) One single phase wattmeter method...
What is the formula for reactive power? Answer : The formula for reactive power is, Reactive power = VI sin (phi) The unit of reactive power is VAR ( Volt ampere reactive). The reactive power is denoted by 'Q'. The formula for real power is, Real power = VI cos (phi) The unit of real power is watts. The real power is denoted by 'P'. ...
what are the importance of reactive power? Answer : Importance of Reactive Power Voltage level control is important In power system. Varying reactive power will vary voltage level. Reactive power is directly proportional to ... power for useful work. Reactive power is required to generate magnetic flux....
A lightening arrester connected between the line and earth in a power system (1) protects the terminal equipment against travelling surges (2) protects the transmission line against direct ... suppresses high frequency oscillations in the line (4) reflects back the travelling wave approaching it Answer : A lightening arrester connected between the line and earth in a power system protects the terminal equipment against travelling surges ...
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