In AT welding process what is the role of asbestos powder & slag ? (i) To separate closing pin from portion* (ii) To hold the portion (iii) Both above are correct (iv) None of the above Answer : (i) To separate closing pin from portion*...
In AT welding process what is the role of closing pin ? (i) To hold the portion before melt (ii) To hold the asbestos powder & slag (iii) Both above are correct* (iv) None of the above Answer : (iii) Both above are correct*...
Head of closing pin is covered with (i) Asbestos powder (ii) Slag Powder (iii) Asbestos powder than slag* (iv) None of aboveove Answer : iii) Asbestos powder than slag*...
Early tapping will cause defect of? (i) No defect (ii) Inclusion of slag* (iii) Inclusion of aluminium (iv) Inclusion of ferrou Answer : (ii) Inclusion of slag*...
How many grams asbestos powder is used to cover head of closing pin ? (i) 2 grams (ii) 3 grams (iii) 4 grams (iv) 5 grams* Answer : (iv) 5 grams*...
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