How To Make Uses For WD40

1 Answer

Cure Mange:
While spraying a dog with WD-40 gets rid of parasitic mites, according to USA Today, the WD-40 Company, feeling that the potential misuse of the product is too great, refuses to condone using WD-40 to cure mange on animals.

Prevent squirrels from climbing into a birdhouse:
Spray WD-40 on the metal pole or wires. Remove a ring stuck on a finger:

Several medical journals claim that WD-40 is the perfect cure for a toe stuck in the bathtub faucet, a finger stuck in soda bottle, or a ring stuck on a finger.

Remove chewing gum, crayon, tar, and Silly Putty from most surfaces:
Spray on WD-40, wait, and wipe.

Clean decorative snow from windows:
Spray windows with WD- 40 before spraying with artificial snow so the decorative spray will wipe off easier.

Prevent dead insects from sticking to your car:
Spray WD-40 on the hood and grill so you can wipe bugs off easily without damaging the finish.

Make hangers glide over a clothes rod:
Spray WD-40 on the clothes rod so hangers can be pushed back and forth easily.

Clean clogged spray paint can nozzles:
Remove the nozzles from the spray paint can and the WD-40 can, place the nozzle from the spray paint can on the WD-40 can, give it a couple of quick squirts, and replace both nozzles.

Remove oil spots from driveways:
Spray with WD-40, wait, then blot. The mineral spirits and other petroleum distillates in WD 40 work as a curing agent.

Thread electrical wire through conduits:
Spray WD-40 on the electrical wire to help it glide through winding conduits.

Prevent grass clippings from clogging up a lawn mower:
Spray WD-40 on the underside of lawn mower housing and blade before cutting the grass.

Clean sap from gardening equipment:
Spray with WD-40, wait, and wipe clean.

Prevent mud and clay buildup on bicycles:
Spray the bicycle with a thin coat of WD-40.

Remove baked-on food from a cookie pan:
Spray WD-40 on cookie pan and wipe clean. Then wash with soap and water.

Remove dirt and grime from barbecue grills:
Remove the grill from the barbecue, spray with WD-40, wait, and wipe clean. Then wash with soap and water.

Remove chewing gum from the bottom of a shoe or sneaker:
Spray on WD-40, wait, and pull the gum free.

Keep dogs, maggots, and flies out of trash cans:
Coat the trash cans with a thin layer of WD-40.

Take squeaks out of new shoes:
Spray WD-40 into the leather and shine.

Remove grease stains from linen:
Spray WD-40 directly to the stain, rub it in, let is soak for a few minutes, then wash through a regular cycle.

Take squeaks out of a box spring mattress:
Remove the fabric covering the bottom of the box spring mattress (by simply removing the staples), and spray the springs with WD-40. Staple the fabric covering back in place with a staple gun.

Polish wood furniture:
Spray WD-40 on a cloth and wipe.

Clean crayon from a blackboard:
Spray WD-40 on the crayon marks, let soak for 10 minutes, then blot clean with a cloth.

Free a tongue stuck to frozen metal in winter:
Spray WD-40 on the metal around the tongue
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