How To Make The Perfect Patio

1 Answer

The patio is just like a little taste of the outside world, housed within the boundaries of your home. Oftentimes, it is made grander than lawns or home gardens as it stands like the majestic courtyards of the medieval ages. Your home may already be elegant at this point, but if you build a patio, your home will be the envy of even some of your richest friends. Go and give your home a touch of class. Build a patio.

A patio can be challenging to build. You have to design a good environment, tear down some of your home’s structures, and build the intricate details of the patio. It can take forever to finish if you do everything by yourself. Besides, reconstructing some of the structures that you will need to take down in favor of your patio may be beyond your carpentry skills. Your best option is to hire a few carpenters to help ease the labor load and so that you can cover a lot of ground in the shortest amount of time possible.

Materials Used:

garden lamps
patio ornaments (fountain, marble statue, etc)
tape measure
design software
interior design software
The Patio Blueprint

For your patio’s design, you can use the latest version of home-design software. Open the main application of the software and recreate your home’s interior down to the last detail. Once done, save the file then view the software’s collection of template patio designs. You have the option to choose from those designs shown by the software or you can just create your own design from scratch. In any case, you can always look on the internet for good patio designs.

When you have designed your patio on the software, open the file of your home’s interior. Insert your designed patio to the home interior and move it from one spot to another, until you find the absolute best spot for the patio inside your home. When you are done, indicate the dimensions of your patio in the program then print your patio design to get the patio blueprint.

You can get the interior design software from a computer software shop or a home improvement store. Just ask for the latest and most comprehensive program.

Purchase Materials

Since building a patio is a balance between carpentry and gardening, you will need tons of materials for both activities. You can head to a gardening store to get plants and gardening materials. Picture the colors of your designed patio and the theme of your home, and from that point, you will know what flowers and plants to purchase. Once done, go to a home improvement store and purchase some patio ornaments. You can then go to a large hardware store and get the rest of the materials.

Hire Carpenters

Before you start building your patio, you should get a few helpers to make the job a lot easier. Ask around town about the most reliable carpenters in the area. Get in touch with those carpenters and ask them to assist you in the building process. One or two carpenters can take care of reconstructing the home structures that you will need to topple in favor of your patio, while the others will be your skillful assistants. These people can even give you suggestions on how to shorten and improve each step of the patio’s construction process.

Create the Patio Lot

Refer to the patio blueprint that you just created and ask the carpenters to assist you in paving the grounds for your patio. Do not worry about the destruction of some of your rooms and property, since your carpenters are there to reconstruct everything for you. Use the sledgehammer or a jackhammer to break through marble tiles, cement and concrete. When you’re done, clear away the debris and ready your shovel for some trench-digging action.

Pave the Patio Pathways and Grasslands

Check the patio blueprint to check the location and the patterns of the walkways. Dig a small trench for all the walkways in your patio. Inside the trenches, place some gravel and a good layer of cement. Place marble slabs on the layer of cement so that your patio will have elegant walkways. Once done, install sod on all the other areas of your patio.

Stylize Your Patio

Carefully arrange plants and flowers throughout your patio, in accordance to the patio blueprint. Install several strategically placed garden lamps and spotlights to illuminate the pathways and the highlight the patios best details. At the heart of your patio, place a very beautiful ornamental piece, like a fountain, a gem-riddled structure or a small lake.

When you have completed all the construction procedures, you may not want to leave your newly-built patio anytime soon. Invite your neighbors and you will have an accidental camp-out within the walls of your home. As you will see, nobody can resist the majestic charm of a beautiful patio.
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