How To Make A Corkboard

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People are sometimes too engaged with their lives, which is why they tend to forget important events. Students find themselves wasting the night away with booze and the exchange of stories, not knowing that they have an important exam the following day. Office employees are late for meetings since they were not reminded about them. Even bosses sometimes forget about meetings with important clients. A little case of forgetting an event can ruin a career. It is fortunate that companies use a simple tool to remedy these accidental acts of ignorance. That tool is called a corkboard.

The corkboard holds a lot of importance in school and office settings. It is used to hold reminders, the schedules of important events and important dates that everyone should remember. Made from cork, the corkboard is often placed in the most visible corner of an office or a school’s main hall. People that happen to pass by the vicinity of the corkboard will immediately see its very important messages. At that point, they will not have any excuse to miss out on important dates and go unprepared for presentations and meetings.

If your office does not have a corkboard, it is pretty easy to build one. All you need are a collection of **** corks, a shadowbox and a good supply of wood glue. The obvious questions here are, “What is a shadowbox?” and “Why **** corks?” First of all, a **** cork may seem odd as a corkboard component, but its properties are similar to the cork used for regular corkboards. They are also shaped evenly, which why putting them together can readily form a makeshift corkboard. As for the shadowbox, it is the metal casing used to hold together the layers of cork in a corkboard. They usually have screws on the sides to maximize its ability to hold cork. You can surely find one in any large hardware store. Now, let’s proceed to the creation proper of your makeshift corkboard.

Materials Used:

approximately 130 **** corks
a shadowbox
wood glue
First, douse a couple of **** corks in wood glue then fit it inside the shadowbox. You can lay two corks horizontally then the next two vertically and so forth, to make your board look stylish. Spaces might form in between some of the layers of cork. You can remedy this thinking about forming a jigsaw puzzle. The board should not have any empty spaces as each piece must fit together exactly. You can cut extra **** corks and fit them in the empty spaces if they form. Once you have successfully filled the shadowbox with a compact layer of **** corks, wait for the wood glue to dry. You will have a makeshift corkboard that is durable and even more stylish than a standard corkboard. If you are still unsure about the corkboard’s durability, you can cover the board with another layer of wood glue.

Nowadays, the corkboard is a required item in a lot of establishments. Having one definitely promotes efficiency and improves the productivity of individuals. You can enjoy that same advantage with fewer costs by installing your own makeshift corkboard.
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