18 Spankin Uses for Dental Floss

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Cleaning your teeth regularly holds a number of benefits. You’ll have a great set of pearly whites, a minty fresh breath and an unconventional resource for alternative household items. Surprised? Observe your tooth-cleaning tools closely. The simplest material on display is actually the most versatile among the bunch, in terms of the number of unique ways that you can use it. Still puzzled? Just pick up your roll of dental floss and tap your imagination.

A key characteristic of dental floss is its durability. The nylon or plastic string will not break even if you forcefully grind it along the jagged portions of your molars. Since it can carry that much pressure, you can use the dental floss to hold fairly light objects like picture frames and t-shirts. You can also use it in different home-related fields such as sewing, cutting food, and making jewelry. Clearly, you can rely on the toiletry in more ways than one. So here are 18 spankin’ uses for dental floss:

Furniture Floss – The cracks found on some furniture pieces are just like the gaps between teeth. They are tiny and hard to reach. Naturally, you can use the dental floss to remove dirt within the gaps and cracks, as if you were cleaning your teeth. Just tie the ends of the string to your index fingers and floss away at dust, dirt and other tiny particles wedged inside.

String for Jewelry – You can create a necklace or a bracelet using dental floss as the string. Slide several jewelry beads in a lengthy piece of floss. If they do not fit, fold the floss in half then try reinserting. Once done, attach the jewelry clasps at the end of the string.
Umbrella Repair – The umbrella can be damaged when struck by a strong gust of wind or heavy rainfall. If you have some dental floss and a sewing needle, you can restore your umbrella back to its old state. Just mend the tears on the umbrella’s shade by sewing them with dental floss.
String for Garlands – The dental floss can be a thing of beauty. Just attach dozens of blooms to it then place the floss-based garland on a visible portion of your home. Your neighbors will be amazed with your colorful creation.
Fishing Net – Dental floss, when tied together, has enough tensile strength to support the weights of small to medium-sized fish. In this case, you can weave the floss together to form a fishing net. Bring it to your weekend fishing expeditions and use it as a spare net.
Fishing Net

Chew Toy for Dogs – In place of standard chew toys, you can create one that can actually give dogs good dental hygiene. Tie several rolls of dental floss together until you form the bone-shaped toy. Use it whenever you’re playing with your dog. Chances are the pooch might get shiny white fangs after biting at the toy regularly. (For more tips on giving dogs good dental hygiene, learn how to eliminate dog’s bad breath)
Temporary Shoelace Replacement – Walking straight is hard to do when you have a broken shoelace. Remedy this problem by temporarily replacing the damaged shoelace with dental floss until you find an official replacement. The truth is, floss is durable enough to take the place of your shoelaces, though not everyone will enjoy the fact that they are wearing dental equipment on their footwear.
Frame Hanger – Want to hang your framed pictures or artworks on the wall? Get some dental floss, which should be a little longer than the frame, from your supply. Position it at the middle of the frame then affix it with a couple of thumbtacks. The floss frame hanger should have no problems carrying regular-sized paintings.

Scrunchy – The scrunchy is a necessity for those who have long hair. Once it is lost or broken, people use unconventional materials for tying their hair. You can add the dental floss to that list of unusual hair types. Just cut a small amount and use it to create a ponytail.
Clothesline – If you have run out of metal wires for clotheslines, you can use dental floss in their place. Just hang the string in an open space then use it for hanging washed clothes. Add strength to the line by adding more layers of floss. (see how to build clothesline)
hanging clothes

Filling for Cracked Wood – Cracks and crack formations weaken your wooden furnishings and make them look unsightly. Put a stop to these things by using dental floss as a filler. Soak the floss in wood glue then slide it in a crack. Continue the process until the crack is filled.
Hole Sealant – The holes on the wall left by nails are pretty unsightly. To get rid of these things, soak some dental floss in an adhesive and push it inside the holes. Keep adding adhesive-laced floss until all the holes have been sealed. Once done, apply a little putty then paint the previously unsealed regions.
The Tie that Binds Food – Some food products like meat and bacon need to be bound when cooked. In the absence of string, dental floss comes as a worthy replacement. Tie the food to be cooked with the dental tool and the results will be practically the same.

Support for Plants – Climbing plants innately reach upward, especially during summer. You can provide support to these shrubs by tying them to a wooden plank using dental floss.
climbing plants

Fishing Line – The material used to create dental floss is durable enough to reel in small fish. To create a makeshift fishing rod, just bind the floss around a sturdy and flexible wooden peg and you’re done. Make sure that the line is secure. When the rod is ready, you can start catching fish for a fine dinner.
Skip Rope – Instead of purchasing a skip rope from a sports store, you can simply cut a lengthy amount from your floss supply. You can then twirl the floss, as if it was an actual skip rope, for your morning exercise.
Skip Ropes

Collage and Diorama Material – If you look at the dimensions of dental floss closely, you will notice that it is a good material for art projects like the collage and the diorama. The floss, when making a collage, can be arranged to form letters, which eventually turn into statements. As for dioramas, the thin nylon strips can be stacked or arranged to form lakes, grasslands and other environments. (Want to create diorama? Read how to make a diorama)
Hanging Line – You can hang ********* decorations, chimes, and other home ornaments by attaching the floss to those items. With the dental accessory’s tensile strength, it should work just as well as string or wire.

Dental floss, minus the alternative uses, is already a precious item. It is your best way to avoid bad breath and the most painful dental procedures. Now, if you add all of its additional functions, it almost becomes a necessity, waiting to be discovered by everyone. The truth is, the moment you discover everything that you can do with the dental floss, you might not use it in the same way ever again.
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